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Codeunit WSB_STMStatusMgt

Provides functionality for handling Status.


Name Value
Access Public



Checks that the mandatory fields for the record are filled for a certain status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef pRecRef The record
Code[10] pStatusCode The status code.


Checks that the mandatory fields for the record are filled for a certain status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef pRecRef The record
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The Applies-to Type for this record.
Code[10] pStatusCode The status code.


Retrieves the Applies-to Type for a record.


Type Name Description
Variant pRecRelatedVariant The record.


Type Description
Enum WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType The Applies-to Type for the record.


Retrieves the Applies-to Type for a table.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableNo The Table No.


Type Description
Enum WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType The Applies-to Type for the table.


Gets a description for the type of record a status applies to.


Type Name Description
Integer pTableNo Table No.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType Document Type


Type Description
Text The description.


Gets a description for the type of record a status applies to.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType Applies-to Type
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType Document Type


Type Description
Text The description.


Gets the new status code that would result from taking a certain action given a certain current status.


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType Applies-to Type.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType Document Type
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode Current Status Code
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction Status Action


Type Description
Code[10] The new Status Code.


Gets the new status code that would result from taking a certain action given a certain current status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record to get the new status for.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType Applies-to Type.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType Document Type
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode Current Status Code
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction Status Action


Type Description
Code[10] The new Status Code.


Retrieves whether a status action is enabled in a status.


Type Name Description
Variant pRecRelatedVariant The record that we are dealing with.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType Applies-to Type
Code[10] pStatusCode Status Code
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction Status Action


Type Description
Boolean true iff the status action is enabled.


Retrieves whether a status action is enabled in a status.


Type Name Description
Variant pRecRelatedVariant The record that we are dealing with.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType Applies-to Type
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType Document Type
Code[10] pStatusCode Status Code
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction Status Action


Type Description
Boolean true iff the status action is enabled.


Updates the status of a record taking a status action.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pAction The status action.


Updates the status of a record taking a status action.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The Applies-to Type of the record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pAction The status action.


Updates the status of a record taking a status action or using the status code.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The Applies-to Type of the record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pAction The status action.
Code[10] pNewStatusCode The new status code.


Sets filters on a status flow setup record variable, i.e., to get the set of possible statuses that one can move to from a given status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record that is being dealth with whose statuses needs to be changed.
Integer pTableNo The table number of the entity/applies-to type that is being dealth with.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType The document type thatis being dealth with
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode The code of the current status.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusFlowDirection" pDirection The status change direction.
Record "WSB_STMStatusFlowSetup" vRecWSB_STMStatusFlowSetup The status flow setup record to which the filters should be applied.


Allows to hook into the moment right after a mandatory field check is performed.


Type Name Description
FieldRef pFieldRef The mandatory field that is checked.
Boolean vMandatoryFieldsMissing Whether any (previous) mandatory fields are missing.
Text vMandatoryFieldsErrorsTxt The error message that is being built up to show which mandatory fields are missing, if any.


Allows one to hook into the moment right after mandatory fields are checked for a record while in a certain status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef pRecRef The record to check mandatory fields for.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The applies-to type for this record.
Code[10] pStatusCode The status.


Allows one to hook into the moment right after the new status is retrieved when a status change action is performed.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record to get the new status for.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The entity type that is currently dealt with.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType The document type that is currently dealt with, if applicable.
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode The current status code of the record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction The status action that is being performed.
Code[10] vNewStatusCode The resulting new status code.


Allows one to hook into the moment after a status change is performed for a certain record.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record for which the status has been changed.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The Applies-to Type for this record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pAction The status action that was performed.
Code[10] pOldStatusCode The old status code.
Code[10] pNewStatusCode The new status code.


Allows one to hook into setting filters on a status flow setup record variable, i.e., to get the set of possible statuses that one can move to from a given status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record that is being dealth with whose statuses needs to be changed.
Integer pTableNo The table number of the entity/applies-to type that is being dealth with.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType The document type thatis being dealth with
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode The code of the current status.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusFlowDirection" pDirection The status change direction.
Record "WSB_STMStatusFlowSetup" vRecWSB_STMStatusFlowSetup The status flow setup record to which the filters should be applied.


Allows to hook into the moment right before a mandatory field check is performed.


Type Name Description
FieldRef pFieldRef The mandatory field that is checked.
Boolean vMandatoryFieldsMissing Whether any (previous) mandatory fields are missing.
Text vMandatoryFieldsErrorsTxt The error message that is being built up to show which mandatory fields are missing, if any.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles checking the mandatory field.


Allows one to hook into the moment right before mandatory fields are checked for a record while in a certain status.


Type Name Description
RecordRef pRecRef The record to check mandatory fields for.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The applies-to type for this record.
Code[10] pStatusCode The status.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this variable to true if your extension handles checking mandatory fields for this case.


Allows one to hook into the moment right before the new status is retrieved when a status change action is performed.


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The record to get the new status for.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The entity type that is currently dealt with.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType The document type that is currently dealt with, if applicable.
Code[10] pCurrentStatusCode The current status code of the record.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAction" pStatusAction The status action that is being performed.
Code[10] vNewStatusCode The resulting new status code.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles retrieving the new status for this case.


Allows to hook into the moment right before sending a notification about a missing mandatory field.


Type Name Description
Text vMandatoryFieldNotificationMessage The notification that should be shown.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if you would like to handle sending the notification for this mandatory field yourself, or if you would like to suppress the notification.


Allows to hook into the moment right before sending a notification about a status change for a record.


Type Name Description
RecordRef pRecRef The record we are dealing with.
Enum "WSB_STMStatusAppliesToType" pAppliesToType The applies-to type.
Enum "WSB_STMDocumentType" pDocumentType The document type.
Code[10] pNewStatusCode The new status code.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if you would like to handle sending the notification for this status change yourself, or if you would like to suppress the notification.


Allows one to hook into the moment after a status change is performed for a certain record.


Type Name Description
Integer tableId The table id of the record for which the status has been changed.
Guid systemId The system id of the record for which the status has been changed.
Integer appliesToType The Applies-to Type as integer value for this record.
Integer action The status action as integer value that was performed.
Code[10] oldStatusCode The old status code.
Code[10] newStatusCode The new status code.